Oregon Youth Employment Program

The Higher Education Coordinating Commission awarded Northwest Oregon Works a grant through the Oregon Youth Employment Program (OYEP) in 2022. These funds enable NOW to support youth across healthcare, manufacturing, and maritime sectors in our service area by covering costs of tuition, materials, and equipment to youth in short-term certificate programs, as well as providing short-term wages for internships and cooperative work experiences.

Eligible youth are those ages 14-24 who are enrolled or seeking to enroll in training, programs, or work experience within these industry areas and are available between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023. OYEP funds also provide limited wraparound support for assistance with the basic, immediate, and logistical needs of students in the course of their education and training.

In addition to providing WIOA services through WorkSource Oregon providers, NOW also administers funds for direct support to youth in short-term certificate programs, internships and career exploration experiences in partnership with area CTE programs, community colleges, local businesses and county-wide internship cohort programs.

This program is funded by a combination of state and federal funds, including Future Ready Oregon (FRO) and Oregon Youth Employment Program (OYEP) grants.

Why Do We Do It?

  • To help students who have stopped attending school or students who have stopped making progress toward high school goals.
  • The grant covers the cost of GED and/or High school expenses, along with the costs of basic needs.
  • A highlight of the grant is the incentives for the youth that help motivate and reward them when academic goals are met!
YDD Re-engagement Opportunity Grant


This program serves youth in partnership with area community colleges, K12 districts, local businesses, culturally specific community community-based organizations (CBOs)action teams, county juvenile departments, county commissioners area economic development organizations and others. Our list of partners is ever growing and changing to meet the needs of participants across our five-county region.

Getting Started

In 2020, NOW launched the Youth Reengagement Council in response to being awarded a grant by the Oregon Youth Development Division to provide services to youth in need of support to earn a high school diploma or GED. The Council is comprised of education and community partners who help inform needs, guide program implementation, and leverage resources. Reengagement services are provided in all five counties both as part of WIOA youth services and YDD services. NOW employs Student Success Coaches who are housed in the community and work directly with local school districts, Clatsop Community College, Tillamook Bay Community College, WorkSource Oregon, and others.

As an awardee NOW became part of The Oregon Youth Reengagement Network, bringing together local re-engagement efforts including schools, community-based organizations, community colleges, local workforce development boards, and other entities working collaboratively to reconnect disengaged youth and support students at risk of disconnection. Grant recipients are required to provide specific Reengagement Services, verify eligible participants, and track the individual educational progress of program participants.

Additional questions or want more information? Contact our team!

Logan Garner
Youth Programs Manager

About Logan: 

Logan Garner is the Youth Programs Manager for Northwest Oregon Works. Logan has a Science, Technology & Society degree from Butler University and came to NOW from backgrounds in grant management, adult education and community outreach.

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