
Maximum Return on Investment

High impact workforce solutions are important for the communities we serve. Northwest Oregon Works mobilizes opportunities that support critical industry sectors, foster the development of career pathways for youth and adults, and educate communities about the workforce services available in the local area.

Dollars Invested

During the Program Year 2023-2024, Northwest Oregon Works invested $1,387,842 in local workforce programs, businesses, and individuals throughout their five-county region.

People Trained

Training programs funded by NOW are provided by Community Services Consortium and Equus Workforce Solutions.  The chart shows the distribution of the types of NOW-funded training completed by individuals in program year 2023-2024 from a variety of fund sources.

Increased Resources

During the 2023-2024 program year, Northwest Oregon Works administered resources from multiple federal, state, and local agencies to invest into the local area through workforce programs and internally developed programs. These resources included WIOA formula funds, Youth Development Oregon funds, Industry Engagement funds, Work Experience funds, Future Ready P10k and Navigator funds, Maritime Workforce funds, Oregon Health Authority funds, Youth Employment Program funds, State Apprenticeship Expansion Equity and Innovation funds, Intercommunity Health Plans funds, and Columbia Pacific Coordinated Care funds.


Maximum Return on Investment

High impact workforce solutions are important for the communities we serve.  NOW mobilizes opportunities that support critical industry sectors, foster the development of career pathways for youth and adults, and educate communities about the workforce services available in the local area.

Dollars Invested

Since its establishment in 2014, Northwest Oregon Works has invested more than $xxxx in local workforce programs, businesses, and individuals throughout the five-county region.

People Trained

Training programs funded by NOW are provided by Community Services Consortium and Equus Workforce Solutions.  The chart shows the distribution of the types of NOW-funded training completed by individuals in program year 2020 from a variety of fund sources.

Increased Resources

Since 2019, in addition to WIOA formula funds, Northwest Oregon Works has secured and administered over $3 million in funds to invest into workforce programs for youth, adults and dislocated workers.  Funding sources include competitive grants from Youth Development Division, Oregon Health Authority, State Apprenticeship Expansion Equity and Innovation, and Ford Family Foundation; emergency relief grants such as National Dislocated Worker Grants, National Emergency Grants , Echo Mountain Disaster Recovery Funds, and State COVID Relief Funds; as well as state resources for DHS Youth Employment, Work EX, and Industry Engagement activities.